A self realized, self taught, enlightened and awakened master, whose mission in the world is to help mankind
attain its true destiny, through simplicity. Dr. S K Ramesh
is a teacher par excellence, whose purpose in life is to uplift mankind through simplicity.
A man who focuses on staying in the moment,
Dr Ramesh believes that everything evolves every moment.
We all have our own INDIVIDUAL, as well as a
UNIVERSAL destiny to fulfill.
In his 60's, Dr Ramesh finally looked back and recollected all his memories, and realized the true purpose of his life.
He realized how every 9 years, right from his childhood, he was closer to his personal and professional destiny.
Life Journey - Phase I
The Birth Of Emotions
A child with immense compassion, little Dr Ramesh was the only son and brother of three sisters.
During his early childhood days, he was exposed to intense emotions like Love, Care, Empathy, Fear, Shame and more...
Life Journey - Phase II
The First Transitions
He evolved with his first failure, first big change, first success and more. He learnt the power of acknowledgement and confidence during this phase of his life.
After facing several hurdles, he started Medical School at KGMC, Lucknow. All his experiences, led him towards two of the most significant seeds of his destiny. A profession in medical sciences, and ultimately to his partner,
his wife Dr. Shresht Segu Ramesh,
Life Journey - Phase III
Discovering Nature's Power
During Med School, Dr.Ramesh felt that most of us have restricted knowledge. He wondered, if only the books were right or was there more? With many questions left unanswered, Dr.Ramesh never stopped seeking knowledge.
Orthopedics taught him two very important lessons of life:
First, we all have the capability to heal naturally.
Second, if anything or anyone loses their way in life, all they need to do is go back, and redirect themselves to the right direction.
This phase of his life helped him discover the essence of his teachings today, Simplicity.
At the end of his Junior Residency at Medical College,
Dr. Ramesh got married to Dr Shresht.
Life Journey - Phase IV
Importance of a Balanced Life
After the birth of his first child, a son, he moved to Dubai, UAE along with his family to expand his professional life.
Soon the second child, his first daughter was born.
Many doorways opened up during this phase. From Traumatology, to international exposure, and finally his first business investment. Dr Ramesh was growing immensely in the professional front. However, very soon he realised that he was missing out valuable time as a young parent. Perhaps he was moving too fast. He realized that to be truly successful in life, one has to strike a balance between their personal journeys and professional goals.
During this phase he also experienced the power of fearlessness and giving without any expectations.
Life Journey - V
The Purpose Unfolds
Birth of Nikhila Tarini Ramesh, his third child and the flag bearer of DRPF, marked the turning point of Dr Ramesh's professional destiny. The family was still celebrating the new member, when Dr Shresht, was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, an auto-immune disease, as per Medical Science.
Things were never the same again. However, what felt like an unending period of crisis, soon turned out to be a period of learning for the entire family, especially Dr Ramesh. Determined to find a remedy, Dr Ramesh decided to break free from his pure Scientific background, to find the natural healer within him. This is when he discovered the world of Awareness, Consciousness & Energy.
Life Journey - VI
Leaving the comfort zone
After successfully healing his wife, with the power of Awareness, Consciousness & Energy, Dr Ramesh decided to expand his research. He successfully healed many other patients with his newly discovered therapeutic practices. His efforts had started bearing fruits, however his journey had just began. Soon he understood the power of Manifestation, Enrichment & Fulfillment and realized that the knowledge he has acquired, needed to be shared with the world. His research was still going on, when he finally decided to start his own company.
He followed his inner vision, and laid down the foundation stone of Dr Ramesh's Potent Family in the year 2010.
Life Journey - VII
A New Life
At peak of his professional journey, Dr Ramesh struggled through the most difficult phase of his life, when he had the closest encounter with death. He was diagnosed with hemorrhagic dengue, which put him into a state of Coma, which lasted for days.
When everyone, including the doctors and the family could only pray for a miracle, Dr Ramesh created magic by himself. He returned back to life, to fulfill his individual as well universal destiny, this time stronger than ever before.
Life Journey - VIII
Everyday is a new day.
Dr Ramesh took a while to recover from his critical health condition and went through multiple phases of hardships. But once he found his way through, there was no looking back.
Dr Ramesh, along with his younger daughter Nikhila, successfully expanded the global impact of DRPF
by taking it to countries in South America, Europe and more.
In 2017, he launched his first, one of a kind book,
Awakening the ACE: The Solution.
At the beginning of 2018 Dr Ramesh realized how every experience was a part of a master plan. Each incident directed him to where he has reached today. It was now when he first coined the mantra, ‘Find, Follow & Fulfill Your Destiny’.
Founder of ACE to MEF SCIENCES
Based on his journey as a medical professional, and his experiences as a fellow human being,
Dr Ramesh discovered the ACE to MEF sciences as a set of practices that can help an individual uncover their true potentials.
With Deprogramming at the heart of the method, the ACE to MEF science
is designed to help one explore, enlighten and empower their true qualities.
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To share his wisdom with the world, Dr Ramesh founded the DRPF Community, a family of students, consultants and teachers.
Spread across the globe, the members of the organization
come from various backgrounds, Medical, Social, Spritual and Artistic,
And practice the complementary methods of ACE to MEF sciences,
by merging the basic principles with their individual expert areas.
Become a member of the community today, to learn and grow along with the world.
Founder of the DRPF COMMUNITY